ACT 6 – Colours in Advertising.

ACT 6 – Use of Colors in Advertising.


Back in the 1950s, people depended mainly on the radio, the printing press and the black and white television as media for advertising. These three media largely limited the visual experience of the viewer, as there was not a wide spectrum of colours used here. However, as technology advanced and introduced the television with colour and the Internet, advertisements have become increasingly vibrant and diverse, along with the importance of colour in advertising.

Colour is all around us. It is the lenses by which we perceive the world. Often, we take them for granted, not realising the effects specific colours may have on us that others do not, and also some colours that hold cultural significance or have stereotypical ideas associated with them. Since the world has perceived light, we have perceived colour. How we register colour is when light beams enter our eyes, pigments in our eyes determine the different colours and lastly will send out a message to our brains. Thus, colours do affect how we feel and react to certain advertisements. Because we do not actively think of colours and the ideas they remind us of, the effect colours have on us is subliminal. Although we are not conscious of it all the time, this affective effect colours have on us is very powerful, as humans have been conditioned to accept colours to represent specific ideas such as the stereotypical blue for boy and pink for girl.

Thus, it is essential for designers of advertisements to be aware of the different responses different colours will bring about and thus have the ability to make the choice of which colour to use to enhance their advertisement.


ACT 6 – Ús dels Colors a la Publicitat.


Si retrocedim als anys 50, la gent disposava majoritàriament de la radio, la premsa escrita i la televisió en blanc i negre  com a mitjans publicitaris. Aquests tres mitjans limitaven l’experiència visual de l’espectador, donat que no feien ús de l’àmplia gamma de colors que tenim avui en dia. A mesura que els avanços en tecnologia introduiren la televisió en color i Internet, la publicitat ha esdevingut més vibrant i diversa, gràcies a la importància del color en la publicitat.

El Color és per tot arreu.  Es colors afecten a com percebem i reaccionam davant certs anuncis publicitaris. Donat que no pensam activament en els colors i les idees que ens recorden o suggereixen, l’efecte dels colors és subliminal. Encara que no en som conscients en tot moment, l’efecte dels colors és molt poderós, i com a éssers humans hem sigut condicionats a accpetar aquells colors que representen específiques idees tals com: l’esterotipada idea que el blau és pels nins i el rosa per les nines.

Per tot això, és esencial per als dissenyadors d’anuncis publicitaris ser conscients de les diferents respostes que els colors provoquen en nosaltres i tenir l’abilitat de saber escollir el color més idoni per al nostre anunci publicitari.


red This color is for excitement in advertising design. It is commonly used for automobile and food advertising. Symbolizes passion and sex, danger, velocity, and power.
yellow It is a great attention grabber in advertising design. It is sunshine, warmth, and happiness. It is the first color your eye processes.
blue It represents reliability, trust, security, and technology. This is why businesses often use this color in their advertising. It is also coolness and belonging.
black It represents sophistication and strength. It is elegant and seductive.
green It is a cool, fresh color. It is nature and spring. The color of growth, nature, and money. A calming color also that’s very pleasing to the senses.
purple Symbolizes royalty. It is dignified and refined.
pink It is soft and feminine. It is security and sweetness.
white It is for cleanliness and purity in advertising design. It is youthful. But that doesn’t mean it is for young people. Young people prefer more trendy colors, like mauve and teal.
gold It is expensive and high class.
orange It is playful. It is autumn leaves, warmth and vibrancy. The most flamboyant color on the planet! It’s the color tied most this fun times, happy and energetic days, warmth and organic products.
silver This color is prestigious. It represents cold and science.
brown This color is most associated with reliability, stability, and friendship. It too is associated with things being natural or organic.
grey It is timeless, practical, and solid. A longstanding favorite suit color, it can mix well with any color.
turquoise It is a great color to have around you, particularly in an emergency, as it helps with clear thinking and decision-making.
cyan It’s a lighter variation of blue, thus it brings similar emotions, but more positive – happiness, wisdom or loyalty.
magenta—– Also known as Fuchsia, it is a mixture of red and purple. It’s been traditionally used for royal courts and heraldry. This color stands for strength, attention and governing.



Published by :

Toni Ferragut.


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